Reaching the Whole World Through a Few
Our Mission:
We help international students meet Jesus and love Him, resulting in spiritual generations of disciples around the world.
Our Vision:
To come alongside students from places where the gospel is hardly known, introducing them to Jesus. Teaching and equipping these new believers so that when they return home they can do the same. To support them as they spread the Good News among their families and friends, and embrace and encourage those they reach, leading to physical and spiritual generations of disciples.
Why ISM?
Through ISM, we can introduce students to Jesus who come from countries where we would never be allowed to talk about Him. God has brought the nations right to our front door!
These international sojourners—often the brightest and best from their homelands—represent millions of people in their countries. Many return home to impact their family and relational networks—touching every facet of society and the world with the gospel.
Our focus is on generational ministry: reaching and discipling students who will reach and disciple others, both on campus and after they return to their home country. We trust God that through these generations of disciples the gospel will spread naturally through relational networks, having a lasting impact on countries around the world.

Of the one million students who come to the U.S., 75% are from the 10/40 Window. These are the hardest-to-reach places in the world, where the Gospel has yet to take hold. What an opportunity we have to welcome the best and brightest from these countries right here at our doorstep!
We are on 41 different campuses across the U.S.
We bring the love of Jesus to international students by caring for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Serve a meal in your home, help with English, ask students about their homes and cultures
Help students find furniture, pick them up from airport, shop with them for winter clothes
Ask students about their spiritual backgrounds, hold investigative Bible discussions, train students in discipleship and in walking with Jesus
Making Disciples
The Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life® discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. Since its founding in 1933, The Navigators has upheld the mission, “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same®.
The Navigators is focused on developing disciples person-by-person-by-person and encouraging spiritual growth across life stages. A disciple is someone who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, intentionally learns from Him, and strives to live more like Him. God is transforming lives through these spiritual generations.
Discipleship means intentionally helping people learn from and live more like Christ by praying with them, spending time together in His Word, walking alongside them in everyday life, and equipping them to do the same with others.